Heart Coherence is Trending!

Did you know that when you take time to align your heart and mind you make better decisions?  Some may do this naturally, but most do not.  Most people believe that the best path is to push forward by sheer will, ignore life’s challenges and they will go away.  They won’t, of course, maybe you stabilize your household or business for the time being, but it is all just band aids and duct tape.

Heart coherence studies what happens to your overall physical and mental wellness when your heart rate becomes more regular and synchronized with your breathing rhythm.  Simple right?  Calm your breathing, heart rate and nervous system and a master switch turns on wellness and wisdom. 

It’s true actually, heart coherence studies are showing a direct impact on cognitive performance and enhanced creativity.  Individuals that practice mind heart alignment techniques also report a powerful impact on their overall wellbeing including reduced stress, improved mood and increased positive emotions. 

How is this possible?

Your heart speaks to you through your emotions, feelings, and intuition while your mind more practically taps your thoughts, ideas, and rationality.  By aligning these two aspects of yourself, you can face important decisions confident that you are accessing multiple data points, going outside the box, and brining the best of you.   When all of you shows up to take action you bring a sense of purpose and direction. You step into the natural flow of life and are more likely to achieve goals and aspirations with greater ease and confidence.

How do you begin to achieve this type of miracle working alignment? Heart focused breathing, mindfulness, meditation, yoga, gratitude journaling are all a good place to start.  Incorporate just one into your life and you will feel the grounding difference almost immediately.

Need a radical adjustment.  A weeklong retreat will jump start your heart coherence and change the trajectory of your life.  Retreats provide a break from daily stressors, reducing cortisol levels in the body and giving you a chance to relax and re-charge.  They calm your nervous system into submission because you have space and time to reestablish that lost mind-body connection with yoga, meditation and breathing exercises.  For seven days you nourish your body with healthy food options that reduce inflammation and promote overall wellbeing.  And you ‘forest bath’ non-stop.  Simply spending time surrounded by exotic wildlife and flora you can’t help but feeling the power of mother nature speaking peace over your soul and wisdom into your life.

For more information on a week long Costa Rican retreat in 2023 or 2024 visit www.awakenursoul.net or contact us at info@awakenursoul.net.

Kim Fawcett is the President and CEO of Awaken Your Soul Retreats offering life transformation retreat packages and spiritual wellness coaching.


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