Your ‘gut’ needs a food retreat!

You may have heard about the gut/brain connection, it is certainly getting a lot of attention these days.  It turns out your gut is like a second brain, hidden behind the walls of your digestive system, and a lot is happening.  The very way you think, your mood as well as ability to fight illness may all stem from the health of this illusively hidden system called the gut.

While our gut doesn’t seem capable of thoughts like the brain it is communicating back and forth with our big brain with profound results. For decades we have known that stress/anxiety impacted gut health and caused stomach complications (think nervous stomach before a big meeting or presentation) but today researchers are establishing that the reverse is true as well.  Your gut health seems to be sending signals that trigger mood changes, impede immune system function, and inhibit wellness.

Its not difficult to conclude that your body needs balance to operate at peek levels.  When you live on a treadmill of stress with the demands of a busy work-life-family balance you are not balanced.  All of your energy and major resources are directed to helping the brain and muscles run the show and the more delicate and subtle systems (think immune, nervous and gastro) can’t operate and even shut down.

Simultaneously, during the busiest times when our stress is at the highest we tend to fall into our most destructive eating patterns.  A poor diet (processed foods, sugar) causes inflammation in the gut that wreaks havoc on your internal systems, mental and emotional health. Recent studies from both Harvard and Johns Hopkins are tying a variety of illnesses with gut inflammation and showing that mental disorders like depression can be caused when that inflammation send signals of distress to the brain.

Wait… what?  I can tackle gut inflammation and improve my mood and reduce anxiety?

For those of us looking to become a better parent, partner or professional, some simple changes to your diet might be the silver bullet you have been seeking.

The good news is you can actually heal your gut with food. Your diet impacts gut bacteria and when your loaded with healthy whole foods you are literally feeding your brain and body happy messages. 

Interested in taking a deep dive into your gut health?  Probiotics and changing your diet or working with a nutrition specialist are great first steps.

Another option.

A week of a diverse plant-based diet will jump start the process of healing your gut while calming your nervous system and feeding your soul.  Awaken Your Soul wellness retreats have packaged wellness into a weeklong jungle excursion that will care for your mind, your body and your soul in a way you never imagined..  Underpinned with three chef prepared organic farm to table meals you are introduced to daily movement, meditations, workshops, coaching with a hole lot of me time to relax, reflect and recast your best vision for your life. 

If your are interested in joining one of the 2023-2024 Awaken Your Soul retreats contact for more information today.


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