2020 COVID AWAKEup Call
Three short years ago the world changed for me, maybe it did for you too. COVID came from left field, shook my family, friends and colleagues to the core, robbed my dad of precious time with his grand children and radically altered the way I think about how I live my life and spend my time.
The 2020-2021 COVID pandemic had a significant impact on how many of us think about life, its meaning, and our spiritual wellness journey. Maybe it was how our time was quickly splintered into forced solitude and a slowed down pace, and the fact that we sort of liked it. Having the time to just “be”. Not missing busyness and basking in the simplicity of a life no longer jam packed with activities.
Or maybe it was the enormity of the illnesses and heavy feeling of sadness that we felt as the world changed, and people struggled combined with our sudden stark realization that it all goes by way to fast.
COVID took so much but gave us the gift of time. In that space we began to think differently possibly because the world literally stopped and through the suddenly imposed solitude, we found time and became compelled to look within. In that time some of us learned to breathe again and remember we had a self and a spirit. Something we didn’t even know, at least I didn’t realize, we were missing. Through those silent moments many found a renewed purpose and clarity that would have been missed in their fast-paced pre-COVID world.
I discovered the power of silence and solitude during my journey through COVID. I learned to bask in the moments when your soul begins to awaken from the slumber that a fast paced life imposes.
With the official end to the pandemic declared a couple months back most have already returned to life in the fast lane and maybe that is you. Racing through your days from one meeting to the next activity and striving to be more and do more.
Don’t forget the you that poked its head to the surface just three short years ago. Don’t lose touch with your spirit because life has kicked back into gear. You are in there, a different you that needs space and a place to find rebirth. Take time to gift your self a “retreat”. Retreats can be as short as an afternoon in a cozy corner or exotic as a trip to a Costa Rica jungle retreat center.
In the silence you will find your mind quiets, your nervous system calms and then, only then, can you become more in touch with your heart. A heart that communicates and guides with imagery and emotions longing for the opportunity to speak out from the front lines of your life.
Kim Fawcett is the Founder and President of Awaken Your Soul Retreats, for more information on the September 2023 and 2024 retreat schedule visit www.awakenursoul.net