Heart Health With a Spiritual Twist

Did you know that when you take time to align your heart and mind you make better decisions?  Some may do this naturally, but most do not.  Most people believe that the best path forward is to sidestep life’s challenges, hoping they will go away, and push forward by sheer will.

There has been a lot of talk in the health and nutrition world about how the gut is the second brain.  A broken gut communicating with your brain through a series of complex neuropathways can undermine physical and mental health.  We now know this is another reason to check in on your daily diet and drop sugar, gluten, and processed foods to say the least. 

But our heart has neurotransmitters too, (Like a third brain) constantly receiving information they serve as intuitive intelligence carries.  When your heart is on the scene, you intuitively tap into your higher intelligence, are more grounded, loving, reasonable and just plain wise.  An active heart center is also known to enhance creativity, intelligence, and cognitive ability.  A study of regular meditators, known to be intentionally opening and relaxing their heart-mind connections, shows nearly a 500% improvement in learning and memory.

When your brain is under stress or feeling anxious (think most people) it ignores your nervous systems transmissions from the heart and tries to run the show by itself.  Thinking takes over and that higher creativity is lost.  In this state you are by no means functioning optimally, not experiencing peace, exercising wisdom, or aligning with your God given calling.  You’re simply not living the highest version of your best self.

Ready to embrace your deepest wisdom and open your heart-brain connection?  Certainly, local yoga and meditation studios can help.  Even something like starting a daily gratefulness journal has shown to have profound impacts.  You may also choose to jump start the process by gifting yourself a ‘retreat”, call it a strategic withdrawal.  Retreats, unlike vacations, purposefully create time in silence and solitude to relax into your heart and feel the love and passion all too often trapped under the busyness of our lives.  They create space for you to activate your heart, relax your overactive mind and tap wisdom you forgot you had.

Kim Fawcett is the Founder and President of Awaken Your Soul Retreats, visit www.awakenursoul.net for information on their September 2023 women’s retreat.


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