2020 COVID AWAKEup Call
Three short years the world changed for me, maybe it did for you too. COVID came from left field, shook my family, friends and colleagues to the core, robbed my dad of precious time with his grand children and radically altered the way I think about how I live my life and spend my time.
Heart Health With a Spiritual Twist
Did you know that when you take time to align your heart and mind you make better decisions? Some may do this naturally, but most do not. Most people believe that the best path forward is to sidestep life’s challenges, hoping they will go away, and push forward by sheer will.
Wisdom From Within
We spend so much time focused on the demands of our lives we lose connection with our heart, a place where passion lies, and inspirations move us forward.
Let’s Call It Strategic Withdrawal
A “retreat” in a military operation almost always has a negative connotation. Our culture and conditioning tells us that to walk away is a form of failure or lack of strength. This is likely why many militaries now use the terminology “strategic withdrawal” to describe a time of intentional pause, or retreat.